In a ceremonial first meeting, the Lustenau Advisory Board for Diversity and Living Together was constituted. The board aims to fill a gap and enable people with a migration background who do not have voting rights to participate in the political process of the municipality in an advisory capacity.
Today, Wednesday, November 20 2024, the Lustenau Advisory Board for Diversity and Living Together convened for its ceremonial first meeting. Mayor Kurt Fischer and councilor Eveline Mairer warmly welcomed the nine members in their new roles. The advisory board aims to fill a gap by enabling people with a migration background who do not have voting rights to participate in the municipality’s political process in an advisory capacity. “Living together can only work if we all take part in it,” said Demir Džaferović, deputy chairperson of the newly established advisory board.
Mayor Kurt Fischer has supported this flagship project from the very beginning: “Listening is a political act. It enables dialogue and the formation of a community. It creates a sense of togetherness. Listening and the ability to engage in dialogue are essential foundations of a democratic culture of coexistence.” Eveline Mairer expressed her excitement: “Today, we have reached a milestone,” and she acknowledged the broad support from the municipal council.
In Lustenau, people from over 90 different nations live together. Non-EU nationals, who make up nearly 14% of the population, are not legally allowed to participate in local elections. However, migrants have become an indispensable part of community life. With the new advisory board, migrants can now, for the first time, present their concerns to policymakers in a structured way.
The framework for the advisory board was developed collaboratively with local politicians from all parties, the municipal department Zusammen.Leben, and residents of Lustenau with migration backgrounds. From the outset, the process was closely accompanied by Südwind Vorarlberg, a development organization advocating for migrant political participation through the EMV-LII project (Empowering Migrants Voices for Local Integration and Inclusion). “Democratic participation strengthens cohesion, aids in finding solutions, and enhances societal integration. The new advisory board in Lustenau is a true flagship project and will hopefully inspire many other municipalities to follow suit,” said Sabine Klapf, Südwind’s regional director.
Mayor Kurt Fischer has supported this flagship project from the very beginning: “Listening is a political act. It enables dialogue and the formation of a community. It creates a sense of togetherness. Listening and the ability to engage in dialogue are essential foundations of a democratic culture of coexistence.” Eveline Mairer expressed her excitement: “Today, we have reached a milestone,” and she acknowledged the broad support from the municipal council.
In Lustenau, people from over 90 different nations live together. Non-EU nationals, who make up nearly 14% of the population, are not legally allowed to participate in local elections. However, migrants have become an indispensable part of community life. With the new advisory board, migrants can now, for the first time, present their concerns to policymakers in a structured way.
The framework for the advisory board was developed collaboratively with local politicians from all parties, the municipal department Zusammen.Leben, and residents of Lustenau with migration backgrounds. From the outset, the process was closely accompanied by Südwind Vorarlberg, a development organization advocating for migrant political participation through the EMV-LII project (Empowering Migrants Voices for Local Integration and Inclusion). “Democratic participation strengthens cohesion, aids in finding solutions, and enhances societal integration. The new advisory board in Lustenau is a true flagship project and will hopefully inspire many other municipalities to follow suit,” said Sabine Klapf, Südwind’s regional director.
On the Radio
Adnan Buyar, Aleksandar Brajovic, and Sabine Klapf in conversation with Ingrid Delacher on Radio Proton: https://cba.media/685353