ADP - Amici dei Popoli ONG


"Amici dei Popoli" is a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) of international cooperation, working towards the construction of a more fair and supportive world. It places the person at the centre of the planning it carries out for development actions, for awareness experiences and for the involvement of volunteers from the Northern hemisphere.

It strives towards the building of new relationships between people and cultures and promotes a human cohabitation, respectful of the rights of every person.

“Amici dei Popoli” unites the choice of volunteering as the basis of its work with its pursuit of professionalism, an inalienable requirement for the successful realisation of qualified and effective activities.

It adheres to, participates in and develops networks of information, solidarity and national and international activities with the intent to amplify the voice of those organisations which indentify themselves in common principles and ends.

“Amici dei Popoli” is inspired by a model of integral and sustainable human development, respectful of differences, based on the individual, which aims to study and inform about the problems of imbalance between the Northern and the Southern hemispheres.

It carries out lasting awareness and cooperation projects, based upon relationships and respectful of the person.

“Amici dei Popoli” operates at a national level thanks to the activities carried out in the regions of its five offices: Bologna, Padova (Padua), Roma, Treviglio and Altamura and by groups distributed throughout other regions.

“Amici dei Popoli” was recognised as qualified to carry out development projects by the European Union (EU) in 1978, by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) in 1987 and, more recently, by other financing bodies and agencies.

“Amici dei Popoli” is a member of Focsiv (Federazione Organismi Cristiani di Servizio Internazionale Volontario – Federation of Christian International Voluntary Service Organisations), is part of the Associazione Ong Italiane (Association of Italian NGOs), of COONGER (Coordinamento delle ONG e delle Associazioni di Solidarieta’ dell’Emilia Romagna – Coordination of the NGOs and the Solidarity Organisations of Emilia-Romagna), of CoLomba (Coordinamento delle ONG e delle Associazioni della Lombardia – Coordination of the NGOs and the Organizations of Lombardy) and of other networks at a local, national and international level. The NGO “Amici dei Popoli” is a founder member of the Scuola di Pace – The School of Peace – in the Quartiere Savena, a district of Bologna.

Contact data

Via Bartolomeo Maria dal Monte, 14
+39 051 460381
Contact Person
Trenti Margherita
Tel: 051 460381

Organisation details

Fields of work
educationdevelopment cooperationawareness raisingcampaigningintegration
developmentglobal issuespeaceeducation

Languages & Countries

Main operation languages
FrenchItalianEnglishSpanish; Castilian
Countries working in currently
Congo, The Democratic Republic of thePeruRwanda
