A.C.B - Cultural Association of Bangladesh


The Cultural Association of Bangladesh (A.C. B.) was formed to provide information and assistance to the citizens of Bangladesh.  The principal objectives of the association are:
  • To promotes the culture of Bangladesh.
  • Defend the rights of workers, women and children.
  • Know other cultures to appreciate diversities.
  • Act against every type of violence and discrimination.
  • Contribute to render to the society we live in more modern and equally.
  • Support the integration between the people.
One of the main activity is the creation of  a front office of information that, despite having Bengali and Pakistani users, welcomes people of all origins. Despite the Association was born as an “ethnic” one, thanks to the presence of the mediators, it becomes more and more a point of reference for people of all nationalities; it is possible also to be supported by a legal expert. The Association has also employed local operators and qualified personnel to work in the reception centers. The first activities of the Association focused on celebrating Bengali traditions in the community and let the inhabitants of the territory know their culture of origin. In the last years the Association has undertaken an intense activity in the schools with a strong presence of Bengali children; it organizes also an afterschool activity open  to the entire local citizenship.  Furthermore  in the last years, one of the Association’s objectives has been a major participation of women: many activities have been realized with the aim of meeting women needs and bringing them in an independent condition  

Contact data

Via Roma, 18
0575 182 0280
Contact Person
Paola Miraglia

Organisation details

Fields of work
educationintegrationdiversitycultural activitiesawareness raising

Languages & Countries

Main operation languages
Countries working in currently
Countries of interest
