Gibanje za dostojno delo in socialno družbo


The main idea behind our non-governmental organization is to unite the young and the young at heart. Our activities are focused on a national level but we are also slowly beginning to expend our reach beyond the borders of our country. The values we cherish the most and encourage through our activities are voluntary work and being an active part of the society. Our main goal is the integration of people who are joined by the cause to be an active participant in a fight to change the outdated approaches of the governing elites. Such an organization, which values integration, life-long learning and the preservation of social values, is interesting especially for people who are keen on thinking with their own head. Freedom of speech, decent work, integration and dialog are the main aims towards which we strive. With the help of genuine human relations, we wish to encourage others to take a small or a big step on the path towards a decent and more prosperous society. The organization is structured by means of different working groups which work on different problem areas. Groups communicate amongst each other so that all the members are familiarized with all areas of our operations. We also organize different workshops where our members can pass on their findings, knowledge and experiences to other members and to the general public. Aside from the working groups, our regular activities also include monthly round tables. We also organize regular debate evenings where we discuss current problems dealing with social affairs and employment. Alongside these regular activities, we organize workshops for our members twice a month. This is to enable our members to gain useful competences (like public performance, the use of Excel, creating and editing short movies, photo processing, the basics of design, how to safely use the Internet, project management, the possibilities of youth in European programs etc.).

Contact data

Dalmatinova 4
+386 041 602 618
Contact Person
Žan Menart
Tel: 00 386 40 739 422

Organisation details

Fields of work
decent workeducation
Memberships in networks
Legal status
Legal registration number

Languages & Countries

Main operation languages
Other language skills
Countries working in currently


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