kfb - Katholische Frauenbewegung Österreichs/ Aktion Familienfasttag
The Austrian Catholic Women’s Movement is the biggest women’s organisation in Austria with approximately 200 000 members. It is organized on parish, diocesan and national level.
It is an ecclesiastical lay organisation within the framework of Catholic Action. It was founded in 1947.
The Family Fast Day Campaign - Development Cooperation of Austrian Catholic Women´s Movement
The Family Fast Day is one of the oldest and most successful development campaigns in Austria. Since 1958 the Austrian Catholic Women´s Movement has been proclaiming this day each year on the second Friday in the period of Lent before Easter.
As we are aware that we are living in one world where vital chances and goods are distributed very unequal
- between the Global North and the Global South
- between the rich and the poor
- between women and men
we are called to share.
The Family Fast Day Campaign is carried out by volunteers all over Austria who are realising events and spreading information in parishes, women´s groups and public.
Within the Development Cooperation we promote world-wide sharing within the framework of the Family Fast Day Campaign to improve vital conditions of marginalised people – especially women- on the other hand we try to build awareness among our members and among the public on development issues.
Contact data
+43 1 51552-3697
+43 1 51552-3764
Contact Person
Organisation details
Fields of work
Legal status
Languages & Countries
Main operation languages
Other language skills
Countries working in currently