OESC - Open European-Slav Court


ESD is an independent international legal entity unifying natural and legal persons.  OESD has been registered as a civic association at the Ministry of Interior on 07.08.2008. Sponsor and main partner of OESD became the Banská Bystrica Self Governing Region /BBSGR/.   Agreement on mutual cooperation between the OESD and BBSGR was signed by the Heads of both parties on 18.08.2008. The first public introduction to the professional social public was held on a Slovak Matchmaking Fair in Banská Bystrica on 24.09.2008.   Its first General Assembly, which took place in Banská Bystrica on 28.09.2008, approved the long-term strategic plan and intention of associations, executive and administrative authorities of associations and also articles of association.   The main objective of OESD, non-governmental civil organization, is domestic and foreign presentation and support of the development of Slovakia in all spheres of social, economic, sports, cultural and educational life.   OESD tries to fulfil the main objective of domestic and foreign presentation of the development of Slovakia by its own effort, but also by collective activity with different spectrum of business entities, public authorities, and social organizations, associations and movements.   We intend to create a new, more attractive view of our region in order to enable and encourage inflow of foreign investments and plans to Slovakia and other related activities which can create more modern and superior standard of living for Slovak citizens (including broad-spectrum of national minorities living in our country) on a basis the idea of Slavic solidarity, intercommunity and relations development. This idea is a fundament which has created favourable conditions for the Co-operation of Slavics Nations.   On the other hand, we will promote domestic social sphere to establish itself in trade and expand its domestic and foreign activities not only to the member states of EU, but also to the other countries (countries of Balkans and Russian speaking countries).   The current stage of development of the world irreversible process is influenced by the process of globalisation which brings new challenges and priorities for all elements of the system – states, regions, companies and individuals.  From this point of view, OESD commenced cooperation with significant domestic and foreign partners to bring us their positive experience and therefore open new horizons for permanent sustainable development in the region, companies and individuals.  This is a long-term strategic plan and objective, which was declared at the inception of OESD. The main holders should be coming generation of young, linguistically and expertly prepared people, who have a realistic, cosmopolitan and economically-rational approach to the present world. Open European-Slav Court would like to participate in the realization of these ideas.

Contact data

+421 905 315217
Contact Person
Ivan Pazur
Tel: + 421 905 315217

Organisation details

Fields of work
development cooperationlobbying
developmentmigrationglobal issuesglobal issuesdecent workforeign policy
Legal status

Languages & Countries

Main operation languages
Other language skills


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