Zveza zvez kulturnih društev konstitutivnih narodov in narodnosti razpadle SFRJ v Sloveniji
The Union of Unions of cultural associations of former Yugoslavia's constitutive nations and nationalities in Slovenia (ExYumco) was founded in 2003. Since 2007 the Union has been registered according to the Slovene law on associations in order to better communicate with Slovene national and political authorities. It represents a frame organization for several unions. Its main goal is to attain legal acknowledgement for all former Yugoslavia's constitutive nations living in Slovenia, as well as to improve the functionality of national asssociations.
The Union believes, that the acknowledgement of minority status is the key condition to prepare other legal acts in order to establish collective rights of maintaining language, culture, access to public meda, political participation and dignity of the concerning group of citizens of Republic of Slovenia. Political participation and active involvement of Slovene public media is expected, also the new Law on radio and television in Slovenia is expected to bring more rights to the mentioned minorities.
The Union hosted a round table in Ljubljana in October 2013, where prominent speakers presented the theme of the national identity of the concerning minorities. The Union is also preparing an expert material by all the speakers, who participated in the round table. In November 2013 Government of Republic of Slovenia reestablished the Council for national minorities from former Yugoslav countries.
Contact data
Celovška 177
+386 40 166 882
Contact Person
Organisation details
Fields of work
Legal status
Legal registration number
Languages & Countries
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Other language skills
Countries working in currently
Countries of interest