EMV-LII proposes, pilots and assesses relevant tools for participation and consultation of migrants on policy topics relevant for their communities and citizen rights.
- Issue raising meetings for migrants partly including city councillors and policy makers
- In EMVI project the methodology for issue-raising meetings has been co-developed. In open meetings between migrants daily issues, needs and demands are raised, collected and clustered and then brought in the political discourse with the authority. For EMV-LII these will be enhanced by policy dialogue and spread to Luxembourg and Croatia and their local areas.
- Digital platform for migrants’ participation
- In EMVI 6 e-participation portals for migrant participation in local areas have been developed and piloted. These will be enhanced with new process and maintained, while in the two new local areas Medimurje (HR) and LU they will be developed and introduced based on EMVI good practice. E-Participation has proven in the evaluation session of EMVI as a good practise tool for migrant participation by itself as well as to plan, structure and follow up on offline issue raising meetings. Also they increase migrants and authorities digital skills for mutual benefit. The e-participation portals are developed according to best practice of e-participation with the open source tool Decidim, used by EC for Dialogue on the Future of Europe and various local and regional authorities. They are mobile first, accessible to migrants and in multiple languages using AI.
- Strengthen Migrants Advisory Councils and comittees for local integration
- While in EMVI project 6 migrants advisory councils have been planned, piioted, or enhanced they will be further developed and integrated for local integration strategies, new migrants advisory councils for local integration will be founded in Medimurje and LU local area:
- For the already piloted/existing migrant advisory councils they will decide on 6 actions they need to be strengthened and supported for their participation in local integration strategies (this can be Workshops on design and implementation of local integration strategies, policy and advocacy work, joint EU level or local advocacy for local integration, a publication, a social media campaign).
- For the not yet piloted/existing migrants advisory boards the following tasks will be implemented following good practise:
1 Workshop for migrants+migrant organizations on their expectations, demands and limitations for a advisory council
1 Co-Development workshop for migrant organisations+migrants together with local/regional authority to establish and agree on a roadmap towards an advisory council/committee for local integration
3 Follow-up Meetings leading to a final Agreement on the establishing of the council
- Strengthen networks, initiatives and advocacy campaigns of migrant organisations
- Following trainings, issue raising meetings and e-participation 6 actions of migrant organisations will be supported logistically, organisational and by taking over part of the costs, such as social media campaign, vlogging, local radio, cultural event, networking meeting between organisations and with the authority
- Enhance participation of migrants and refugees in local / neighbourhood boards
- 3 representations of migrant organisation/council in local/neighbourhood boards will be advocated for, piloted and supported per local area to enhance their involvement in local integration.
- Enhance and strengthen migrant positioning and developing of policy papers for the co-design and co-implementation of local integration strategies
- Support the development of 3 policy papers per local area by the migrant advisory council or/and migrant organisations. Enhance the advocacy for these papers with the local or regional authority (2 meetings per paper)
The implementation phase will be accompanied by an accompanying external evaluation. The tools will be presented to the European institutions and platform organisations in Brussels at the end of the project and disseminated on European level.
Watch this space for updates and links to upcoming participation possibilities
E-Participation Tools
Online Participation Platform