Political participation of migrants and their descendants is key for the well-being of modern societies, our democracies and the stability of our economics. Promoting an inclusive society on a democratic basis is in line with the EU‘s fundamental values, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Pillar of Social Rights. It emphasizes that “The European way of life is an inclusive one”.
As European societies are not yet able to fulfil the promise of integration being migration still closely linked to discrimination, a main goal of the EMVI project is the sensitisation of the host societies on the importance of inclusion and political participation of all groups, among the partner countries.
Project activities
The project EMVI – Empowering Migrant Voices on Integration and Inclusion policies – aims at enabling and empowering the participation of migrants in the design and implementation of policies that directly affect them – in Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy and Slovenia – and to bring their issues to local, national and EU decision makers. Actions include the development of several practical tools and a number of activities, tested and piloted in each country.
Pillar 1
Increasing the participation of migrants (especially women) to become actors of inclusive policies
- Research paper to identify good practises on ongoing participation structures for migrants
- Focus groups with migrant organisations, decision makers, NGOs and other stakeholders to verify the local needs for capacity building related to political participation
- Local training sessions fostering transnational peer and expert exchange
Pillar 2
Increasing the capacity of local and regional authorities to effectively consult migrants
- Tailor-made capacity-building sessions (online and face-to-face) with public authorities at local, regional or national level
- Advocacy study visits in the municipalities of Graz, Berlin and Empoli to discuss local policies on integration
- Networking Workshop in Brussels with the participation of migrants representatives
Pillar 3
Establishing innovative participation tools and open new spaces for migrant voices to be heard
- Issue-raising workshops with local migrant groups on issues of concern and needs of the migrant communities
- Innovative e-participation tool for migrants based on the open source tool DECIDIM
- Innovative local migrant consultative bodieswill be set up or improved in the 5 countries
Cross-cutting tools
- 5 National research reports and a Good Practice Guide on effective participation tools
- 10 online learning modules for migrant communities capacity-building available as Open Educational Resource
- Common website of the project where information and tools are shared
- Hotline as an individual follow-up assistance to the participants of the training sessions
- Co-creation workshops to set up a roadmap for local migrant consultative bodies
- Informative sessions to promote the use of the local digital platform (e-participation tool)
EMVI Project Partners and further information
International partner
European Coordinator: stefan.grasgruber-kerl@suedwind.at