Promotion of Immigrants Engagement through Arts
This is a project focusing on the activities of migrant theater company and create a unique educational and media products, which aims to pass on traditions, but also the use of theater to promote tolerance and respect for human rights.
A play we would like to implement as a document of a migrants living in Slovakia and show how living culture enriches modern society Slovakia. In particular, the expression of various traditions through the behavior of artistic expression , language migrants and their cultural habits .
The project will promote a vibrant culture of migrants through the drama. The play will be built on an intriguing story and narratives in order to recognize and promote other cultures. Through this project the publci understanding of migration will be enhanced and migrants cultures become visible. We will show the benefits of diversity and culture. It will portray the relationship of immigrants and the host society through stories on the stage. Our task is to rediscover the importance of stories as a source of wisdom, which transmit the values and principles essential to the development of our company.
Actors are migrant who will be selected during the casting nationwide in cities that are well publicized in the media. Casting creates an alternative space for communication and acceptance of foreigners in Slovakia. At the same time selected migrants actors will learn to play Slovak classical texts that are adapted to which will be incorporated elements from migrant environments. In this way we achieve a more efficient mirror perception of discriminatory and xenophobic manifestations and point out the stereotypes that lead to violations of human and civil rights of foreigners living in Slovakia.